Plant Care

Whether you're a seasoned green thumb or just starting your indoor plant journey, this page is your guide to nurturing some of the most stunning and sought-after houseplants.

Featuring the 4" Monstera Adansonii ‘Swiss Cheese’, the elegant 4" Monstera 'Thai Constellation’, the striking 4" Philodendron 'White Princess’, and the charming 4" Hoya ‘Mathilde', our tips will help you create the perfect environment for these beauties to thrive.

From light and water needs to soil and humidity preferences, we’ve got everything you need to grow happy, healthy plants. Let’s dig in and make your plant care routine a breeze! 🌿


4" Monstera 'Thai Constellation’ Plant Care Tips

Thai Constellation’

4" Philodendron 'White Princess’ Plant Care Tips

'White Princess’

4" Hoya ‘Mathilde' Plant Care Tips
